AJ - Štětinová - do 31.5.

25.05.2020 17:12

Učebnice str.48 a 49 - přečtěte si text a poslechněte si ho na níže uvedené adrese. Pak seřaďte obrázky do správného pořadí . Str.49 cv.2 - písemně odpovězte na otázky do školního sešitu. Věty 1 - 8 napište T/F - pravdivé/nepravdivé. Nepravdivé věty opravte. Vše do školního sešitu a ofocené pošlete mailem.

1/ The tailor and his wife lived in a large, old house. 2/In his dream, somebody gives the tailor a lot of money. 3/It takes the tailor four days to travel from Swaffham to London Bridge. 4/The shopkeeper first saw the tailor the day before some boys stole his money. 5/The shopkeeper had the same dream as the tailor. 6/The shopkeeper knows the way to Swaffham. 7/The treasure was in a box in the ground. 8/The tailor was disappointed he didn' t find treasure in London.
